leighklotz: Maker Faire Retrocomputing: Altairduino 8080 and ADM-3A
leighklotz: Maker Faire Retrocomputing
leighklotz: Curta and punched cars
leighklotz: Curta and punched cars
leighklotz: Curta and punched cars
leighklotz: Curta and punched cars
leighklotz: Model 19
leighklotz: Kenbac-1 Clone
leighklotz: Model 28 ASR
leighklotz: Oscar Vermeulen's Creations
leighklotz: Brainiac, Cardiac, Digi-Comp
leighklotz: Toy Computers, including Radio Shack Analog
leighklotz: Teletype
leighklotz: Model 28 ASR Teletype
leighklotz: Teletype
leighklotz: SBC-6120 PDP-8 Clone
leighklotz: IBM 1620 Clone
leighklotz: PDP-10 Clone
leighklotz: Adventure -- Spoiler Alerts!
leighklotz: Monster 6502 Playing MicroChess
leighklotz: Homebrew Cactus Computer
leighklotz: CP/M Homebrew Lisp Machine Z80 50MHz
leighklotz: Stupid-8 12-bit Game
leighklotz: Stupid-8 Poster
leighklotz: Stupid-8 12-bit instruction set
leighklotz: Stupid-8 12-bit homebrew, with LSI-11
leighklotz: TI-99/4
leighklotz: Fujitsu FM-7
leighklotz: Commodore 64
leighklotz: Heathkit