"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: Amberley 4 "St. Michael's Church"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: Amberley #2 "Across the fields"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: "A few precious moments of sanity in a mad world"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: "Deckchairs and the Pier"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: "Sweeping cobwebs from the edges of my mind"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life and I'm feeling good"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: New Horizons 71 "Sailing"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: New Horizons 59 "Oh I do like to be beside the seaside"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: Fantasia 2 - "A Host of Golden Daffodils"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: Forever England No.2- "Lush"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: New Horizons 14 - "The garden after the rain"
"Alive and Clicking!"- 2.5 Mill. Thanks: New Horizons 19 - "Rounding the curve"