Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): -2/365 - Totally Out of Focus....
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 1/365 - "Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder, dear..."
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 2/365 - "Ima, a big kiss, Ima*?"
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 3/365 - Quality time with Abba.
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 4/365, Campus Edition - Welcome back, Buckeyes!
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 5/365 - "Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself."
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 7/365 - Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 8/365 - Deep breath. "The object is not perfection." Repeat.
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 11/365 - "The Fierce Urgency of, 'NOW!!!'"
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 20/365 - King of All the Wild Things
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 23/365 - On the Shabbat Agenda:
Leigh Ann Kopans (the Littlest Birds Photography): 26/365 - Coffee Means You Love Me