Brian and Leigh: Riding in the secret creepy elevator with my shiny new husband
Brian and Leigh: Ballroom
Brian and Leigh: Mom is so not kidding you
Brian and Leigh: Through the hallway
Brian and Leigh: Brian's work folks around the upstairs buffet
Brian and Leigh: Pretty little bird topper
Brian and Leigh: More delicious caaaake
Brian and Leigh: Sweet Lacy
Brian and Leigh: Getting ready to make our entrance at the reception
Brian and Leigh: I don't believe something
Brian and Leigh: Heeee, Jena
Brian and Leigh: Waiting to make our entrance
Brian and Leigh: Newlywed canoodling
Brian and Leigh: More canoodling
Brian and Leigh: Yay, we're all maaarried!
Brian and Leigh: Still waiting/snuggling
Brian and Leigh: Peek peek peek
Brian and Leigh: About to walk in
Brian and Leigh: Being announced
Brian and Leigh: Down the hallway of old ladies
Brian and Leigh: Where I thankfully did not trip
Brian and Leigh: YAY LOOK YOU GUYS
Brian and Leigh: Hi, everybody!
Brian and Leigh: We are officially announced!
Brian and Leigh: Aw, many peoples
Brian and Leigh: Kisses for my brother-in-law
Brian and Leigh: OMG we have to dance now