Brian and Leigh: Tuesday, post-shark attack pooling
Brian and Leigh: Andre brings us cocktails to celebrate my awesome survival skills
Brian and Leigh: My super handsome husband
Brian and Leigh: Pretty Chrissy, lounging
Brian and Leigh: Brian gets swimmy
Brian and Leigh: Andre just wants world peace, and also Brian's sunglasses
Brian and Leigh: Andre and Brian model Brian's sunglasses
Brian and Leigh: Tuesday night is Veuve night!
Brian and Leigh: Chrissy and Joel's last night; sloe shutter speed to make it last longer
Brian and Leigh: Hello, delicious Veuve
Brian and Leigh: Fin shows us how to use the pool chalk
Brian and Leigh: Beautiful Viv is manhandled by Gabe
Brian and Leigh: Aw, snoogly!
Brian and Leigh: Squish squish
Brian and Leigh: Shrimps and his daddy Fin
Brian and Leigh: Lucy and Shrimps have had enough of our late night shenanigans
Brian and Leigh: Chef Jeff lufs Luuucy
Brian and Leigh: More Luuuucy luff
Brian and Leigh: Jeff makes the dog-lovin' rounds
Brian and Leigh: Jeff's dog-loving work is never done
Brian and Leigh: I gave Fin a Shrimps tattoo
Brian and Leigh: Chrissy and Joel's final breakfast = everything on the menu
Brian and Leigh: Flat jacks with chipotle chocolate is yum
Brian and Leigh: Breakfast included french fries, among everything else
Brian and Leigh: Joel and Chrissy, Parting Shots
Brian and Leigh: More parting shots
Brian and Leigh: Joel, Chrissy, a lounge, and a cocktail
Brian and Leigh: Goodbye, happy other-honeymooners!
Brian and Leigh: Hat is now introduced
Brian and Leigh: Aw, they're all in loooove