Brian and Leigh: Heading to Ambergris Caye, onna boat
Brian and Leigh: Brian's on a boat! (To the resort.)
Brian and Leigh: Gorgeous water
Brian and Leigh: Pretty coastline
Brian and Leigh: Azul Resort, from the water (with Vivian and Jeff on the dock to meet us!)
Brian and Leigh: Good news! Many beers!
Brian and Leigh: Brian checks out the provisions in our villa
Brian and Leigh: The gorgeous, pimped-out kitchen
Brian and Leigh: We get our own Fanta, too?!
Brian and Leigh: Staircase to the next level, plus the first-floor master bedroom over there to the right
Brian and Leigh: Master bedroom and our den area
Brian and Leigh: Both floors; the shutters above open to another master bedroom, and a little walkway
Brian and Leigh: The little walkway leads to the second floor balcony
Brian and Leigh: Looking down on our pimped-out kitchen
Brian and Leigh: The view down the steps
Brian and Leigh: One of the bathrooms; we've got two, and each has its own rain shower
Brian and Leigh: The upstairs master bedroom
Brian and Leigh: Upstairs master, again; possibly we will sleep in this one tonight! CHOICES!
Brian and Leigh: Brian revels in all of this awesome
Brian and Leigh: The second floor balcony
Brian and Leigh: All of the doors are all carved and gorgeous and heavy as all get-out
Brian and Leigh: Staircase to the top floor
Brian and Leigh: The top floor of our villa; can you believe this? We cannot believe this.
Brian and Leigh: Our hot tub
Brian and Leigh: For rooftop picnic lunches, as you do.
Brian and Leigh: Rooftop napping quarters
Brian and Leigh: The view from the roof
Brian and Leigh: More roof view
Brian and Leigh: The infinity pool next to the villa