Brian and Leigh: Soooo L.A., OMG
Brian and Leigh: L.A. Lunching, Lomo-style
Brian and Leigh: Blurry hipsters
Brian and Leigh: Brian takes our orders; is surly
Brian and Leigh: Lomo lens; art or crap? Hard to tell!
Brian and Leigh: Ziz and her icy eyes
Brian and Leigh: Slightly more interesting performance from the Lomo Lens
Brian and Leigh: L.A. luncheon
Brian and Leigh: Brian, Leigh, That Guy
Brian and Leigh: Y'all funny
Brian and Leigh: Brian and Leigh do lunch in L.A.
Brian and Leigh: Barbecuin'
Brian and Leigh: Rob just looooooves it when I follow everyone around with my camera
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery
Brian and Leigh: Hollywood Forever Cemetery