leifcycle: Paul looking good
leifcycle: DJ Ariel
leifcycle: The work area
leifcycle: Massa w/ Paul in the back indicating 1,000W of power being consumed
leifcycle: Simon Luethi shoots standing on the Mundo
leifcycle: late night biker bar deck construction - Asaf and Matt
leifcycle: Scarlet and pedal power team mates
leifcycle: new biker bar rollers
leifcycle: P1050818
leifcycle: Chelsea prepares pedal power coaching signs
leifcycle: Muscle and enginuity got the 8' long, 400# palate on the lift, but will it fit in the truck?
leifcycle: Robert and Paul inspect the quality of the traces on the bottom of the amplifier PCB with a blown resistor
leifcycle: 8' monster palate departs Rock The Bike world HQ - Berkeley, destined for Brooklyn
leifcycle: back flip
leifcycle: Simon gets a ride by shot on the bridge - then sprints ahead of the bikes to get another take
leifcycle: VANESSA BLEY, so hot right now
leifcycle: Asaf and Golan holding down the pedal power
leifcycle: getting funky on the roof
leifcycle: post Naty Ass Session roof top celebration
leifcycle: Massa pumped up the riders to 1250W of power!
leifcycle: Danielle cinamatographer