leifcycle: vindow viper
leifcycle: Shanghai Industry Dream Cube building - telling us to dream big high tech dreams
leifcycle: in China, it's not a dirty word
leifcycle: Japanese corporate climbing spider bots
leifcycle: Spanish troupe
leifcycle: Outside the Espania pavilian - bagpipes, in spain?
leifcycle: Spanish wicker matresses?
leifcycle: steel underneath
leifcycle: giant anamatronic baby!
leifcycle: careful you don't get mistaken for a milk bottle, buddy
leifcycle: United Kingdom Pin-Cushion
leifcycle: who's got the Benjamins? Luxembourg, thats who.
leifcycle: Expo Float parade - with lots of happy stereotypes!
leifcycle: hmmm, what country are you from, banan girl?
leifcycle: the "United States" float at the Expo parade
leifcycle: Oh Canada!
leifcycle: Pedal-speed governed video tour of good Canadian living
leifcycle: Cirque du Soleil was contracted to build the whole Canadian expo building
leifcycle: Danish bike parking
leifcycle: critical stats for Denmark and China