james eugene frank: independent investigation
james eugene frank: Happy & Baba & the I Phone .....
james eugene frank: Writing the new Talmud
james eugene frank: Rhett Diessner, future professor, author...
james eugene frank: Petroglyphs, Salmon River, Idaho
james eugene frank: Sleepy Jon Davis, musician, 60's Seattle DJ
james eugene frank: Coal shute>>Info shute
james eugene frank: In the neighborhood
james eugene frank: Feast of Purim
james eugene frank: 2016 Puyallup Labor Day Pow Wow
james eugene frank: Seattle Library, 1970
james eugene frank: 1971 Baha'i Convention, Seattle, Wa.
james eugene frank: Migration, spring, 2015
james eugene frank: 2016 Puyallup Labor Day Pow Wow
james eugene frank: library 1970
james eugene frank: Explaining the Icon
james eugene frank: Black Panther giving directions, Seattle 1970