Leia Speia: the bridge to summer
Leia Speia: Tennessee strawberries
Leia Speia: faded roses
Leia Speia: Clementine
Leia Speia: pink buttons
Leia Speia: Today's sunset is gorgeous!
Leia Speia: My new favorites
Leia Speia: First attempt at baby shoe crochet
Leia Speia: Grave yard
Leia Speia: Tree in the grave yard
Leia Speia: spiderweb in the morning light
Leia Speia: Foggy Tennessee morning
Leia Speia: Spring City park in the morning.
Leia Speia: birds at sunset
Leia Speia: rocking at the Cracker Barrel
Leia Speia: Methodist Church
Leia Speia: trees in my back yard
Leia Speia: Clouds!
Leia Speia: Flower in the sun
Leia Speia: sunset on a country road
Leia Speia: white cone flower
Leia Speia: Small town street