Legofan9898 - Hudson: "Revenge, I must have revenge!"
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Battle of Felucia
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "Lair of Grievous"
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "Battle of the Heroes"
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "He's More Machine Now Than Man"
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Sarlacc Pit - Return of the Jedi
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Shaak Ti's Final Hour (Star Wars Episode 3 Deleted Scene)
Legofan9898 - Hudson: The Fett's Return
Legofan9898 - Hudson: The Battle Has Just Begun! Star Wars The Old Republic
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Lego Star Wars Lightsaber Clash
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Lego Star Wars Battle of Adega
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars Umbara Anakin and Rex Picture
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "We're more than just a people or an army. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas...but we can certainly kill you." -Mandalorian
Legofan9898 - Hudson: Tie Fighter Pilot
Legofan9898 - Hudson: "Let me see your identifications."