Marcus Wong from Geelong: Brimbank City Council popup Covid-19 and flu vaccination centre in Sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Piles of pocket sized hand sanitiser - marked down to half price, and still not moving
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Massive scuplture, fake grass and painted concrete added to a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Massive scuplture, fake grass and painted concrete added to a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Adding fake grass and painted concrete at a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Covid-19 signage around the abandoned school
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Metal sculpture installed at a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: ''Come on in... there's no need to check in!' poster outside the Sunshine Library
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Installing a metal sculpture at a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Installing a metal sculpture at a pop-up park on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Rapid antigen tests sold here' sign outside a Vinnies op-shop
Marcus Wong from Geelong: '25% off all rapid antigen tests April 2022' sign outside a Vinnies op-shop
Marcus Wong from Geelong: New batch of timber dining decks in place of car parks on City Place
Marcus Wong from Geelong: New batch of timber dining decks in place of car parks on City Place
Marcus Wong from Geelong: New batch of timber dining decks in place of car parks on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: New batch of timber dining decks being assembled in place of car parks on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: New batch of timber dining decks waiting to be assembled in place of car parks on Sun Crescent
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Notice of upcoming 'Outdoor Activations' of the shopping strip in Sunshine south of the the railway station
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Truck delivers a new batch of timber dining decks to City Place
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Covid-19 testing <<<<' sign outside a drive-through testing site in Sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: March 2022 and it's hard to keep toilet paper in stock again
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Poster for an upcoming live music performance on the street outside Centrecom in Sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: March 2020 closure notice still up on the Maltese Community COuncil of Victoria centre in Sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'How to deal with difficult customers' post put up alongside the 'Proof of vaccination status required' poster on their front window
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Toilet paper out of stock again, but plenty of pine bark mulch
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Due to rising covid cases we are closing dine in until further notice' sign at a Chinese restaurant
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Please stay off your mobile phone' sign at a drive-through Covid-19 testing site
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Covid testing - Hampstead Road Maidstone - Mon-Sun 7am-3pm - PCR and rapid avilable' varriable message board at Highpoint
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Covid testing - Hampstead Road Maidstone - Mon-Sun 7am-3pm - PCR and rapid avilable' varriable message board at Highpoint
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Covid testing - Hampstead Road Maidstone - Mon-Sun 7am-3pm - PCR and rapid avilable' varriable message board at Highpoint