Marcus Wong from Geelong: COVID-19 related posters outside the entrance to Melbourne Zoo
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Elephant enjoying the sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Someone's pulled the old 'loopback patch cable' prank on this network outlets
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Fox watch: Please wait for the gate to close completely before driving away' signage at the service entrance to the zoo
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Sea of SUVs parked at the Melbourne Zoo
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Convoluted 5 hour parking restrictions outside the zoo
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Mostly empty drink vending machine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 13CABS courtesy phone at the zoo exit
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Car parked on the gravel shoulder outside Melbourne Zoo, the driver has copped a parking ticket
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Car parked on the gravel shoulder outside Melbourne Zoo, the driver has copped a parking ticket
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Car parked on the gravel shoulder outside Melbourne Zoo, the driver has copped a parking ticket
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Elephants Crossing' sign on the visitor path through the 'Trail of the Elephants'
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Elephant crossing on the visitor path through the 'Trail of the Elephants'
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Elephant crossing on the visitor path through the 'Trail of the Elephants'
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Elephants Crossing' sign on the visitor path through the 'Trail of the Elephants'
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'DANGER Cat 1 Animal Facility: Dangerous animals housed here' sign outside the Orang-Utan enclosure
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Pelican beside a travel carrier