Marcus Wong from Geelong: Public exhibition for the Melbourne Airport Runway Development Program
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Overview of the Melbourne Airport Runway Development Program
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Public exhibition for the Melbourne Airport Runway Development Program
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Scale model showing the Melbourne Airport Runway Development Program
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Scale model showing the Melbourne Airport Runway Development Program
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Millennium Man minus his globe, and fenced off from the public due to safety concerns
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Millennium Man minus his globe, and fenced off from the public due to safety concerns
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Mostly empty shopping centre car park at Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Truck loaded with new windows for delivery
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Millennium Man minus his globe, and fenced off from the public due to safety concerns
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Millennium Man minus his globe, and fenced off from the public due to safety concerns
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Millennium Man minus his globe, and fenced off from the public due to safety concerns
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Local Sunshine landmarks replicated in a cardboard sculpture
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Main shopping arcade at Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Main shopping arcade at Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Walking through the car park from Harvester Road towards Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Walking through the car park from Harvester Road towards Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Walking along Harvester Road towards Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Walking along Harvester Road towards Sunshine Marketplace
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Forgotten brands blacked out on the Sunshine Marketplace sign on Ballarat Road
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Babay change rooms' on the centre map
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Mud pit amid the sea of asphalt in the Sunshine Marketplace car park
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Sea of asphalt in the Sunshine Marketplace car park
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Commercially operated clothing recycling bins closed due to COVID trading restrictions
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Cage of crap piled up in the Sunshine Marketplace car park
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Dead bird in the Sunshine Marketplace car park
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Excavator loads up with sand for the Hampshire Road works
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Main entrance to Village Cinemas Sunshine
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Yellow podium marks the former home of Sunshine's Millennium Man
Marcus Wong from Geelong: This brake repair shop uses the same logo as BCC Computers in Geelong