Marcus Wong from Geelong: Deteriorating shed at Victoria Dock wharf 20 and 21
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Construction equipment on a barge opposite Victoria Dock wharf 20 and 21
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Construction equipment on a barge opposite Victoria Dock wharf 20 and 21
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Independent Cement' silos at South Wharf berth 26/27
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Shed 24 at Victoria Dock
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Looking across to Appleton Dock and the cranes of Swanson Dock
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Independent Cement' silos at South Wharf berth 26/27
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Pipes at the cement loading terminal at South Wharf berth 26/27
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Lineup of tugs at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Loading ramps at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Shed B at Appleton Dock
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Tug boat 'Keera' at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Tug boat 'Svitzer Marysville' at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Tug boat 'Kuttabul' at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Tug boat 'PB Hunter' at South Wharf
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Tug boat 'PB Hunter' was once called 'Chek Chau'
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Cement Australia' bulk cement terminal at South Wharf berth 33
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Container ships 'Xutra Bhum' and 'APL Peru' at Swanson Dock West
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Green navigation markers for ships at Swanson Dock
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Blue navigation markers for ships at Swanson Dock
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Cement Australia' bulk cement terminal at South Wharf berth 33
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Cement Australia' bulk cement terminal at South Wharf berth 33
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'Cement Australia' bulk cement terminal at South Wharf berth 33
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Bulk sugar and gypsum terminal at the Yarraville Wharves
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Bulk sugar and gypsum terminal at the Yarraville Wharves
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Bulk sugar and gypsum terminal at the Yarraville Wharves
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Bulk sugar and gypsum terminal at the Yarraville Wharves
Marcus Wong from Geelong: Bulk sugar and gypsum terminal at the Yarraville Wharves
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 'No trespassing' notice at the entry to Swanson Dock from the water
Marcus Wong from Geelong: 32 wheels across 16 bogies support this container crane