.Natty.Dread.: "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" 08
l a n g g i: The Life(taker) of The Party
Berduu: "Pripyat"
l a n g g i: Eyewitness
-One3rd-: (not) Lost In The Crowd
.Natty.Dread.: "Dark Souls 3" -24
never047: Outcast
Berduu: "Bubble Blanet"
HodgeDogs: ''Summit of Mount Ida''
PhilGPT: Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Pulse_: The Sixth Sense
.Natty.Dread.: "Nioh" 00
.Natty.Dread.: "Titanfall 2" 03
Berduu: "Steep"
.Natty.Dread.: "God of War" 00
Pulse_: In Clouds
PhilGPT: Mortal Kombat X
-One3rd-: "Free Data"
l a n g g i: Dawn Breeze
Zilverborn: The Witcher 3
AndrewCull: The Station Agent
never047: We Become One
tru3nb: Lord in Flames
tru3nb: Cheeki Breeki
HodgeDogs: Unknown Structure
PhilGPT: Mass Effect: Andromeda