Legend of the Seeker: Richard and Kahlan
Legend of the Seeker: Zedd, Richard, Kahlan, and Cara
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl and Mord-Sith
Legend of the Seeker: Kahlan, Richard, Cara, and Zedd
Legend of the Seeker: Sister Nicci
Legend of the Seeker: Cara and Zedd
Legend of the Seeker: Richard and Declan
Legend of the Seeker: Mord-Sith and Darken Rahl
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl, Richard and Jennsen
Legend of the Seeker: Sister Marianna, Jennsen and Sister of the Dark
Legend of the Seeker: Richard and Darken Rahl
Legend of the Seeker: Jennsen and Sister Marianna
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl, Kahlan and Richard
Legend of the Seeker: Jennsen, Kahlan, Darken Rahl, Richard and Zedd
Legend of the Seeker: Kahlan, Darken Rahl and Richard
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl and Sister Marianna
Legend of the Seeker: Jennsen, Kahlan, Richard and Zedd
Legend of the Seeker: Jennsen, Kahlan, Darken Rahl, Richard and Zedd
Legend of the Seeker: Cara and Dahlia
Legend of the Seeker: Zedd and Dahlia
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl, Dahlia, and Cara
Legend of the Seeker: Cara and Mord-Sith
Legend of the Seeker: Darken Rahl and Cara
Legend of the Seeker: Kahlan, Zedd and Richard