Lefty's Astrophotography:
M33- Triangulum Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M101- Pinwheel Galaxy (2018)
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Owl Nebula and Surfboard Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Messier 49 and other Galaxies
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Markarian's Chain
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M51-Whirlpool Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Leo Triplet
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M81 & M82- Bodes and Cigar Galaxies
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M101- Pinwheel Galaxy (2017)
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M81 & M82- Bode's and Cigar Galaxies in HaLRGB
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M98 & M99- Galaxies in Coma Berenices
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M58, M59, M60, M89, and M90 (Two panel mosaic)
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M87 & Relativistic Jet
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M104- The Sombrero Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M101- Pinwheel Galaxy (2019)
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M64- The Black Eye Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M95, M96, and M105- Galaxies in Leo
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M102- The Spindle Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Milky Way Core from the Harmony of the Seas
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M31- The Andromeda Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M74 - The Phantom Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M77 and NGC1055
Lefty's Astrophotography:
2019 DSO Composite
Lefty's Astrophotography:
2019 DSO Composite - Dual Monitor Version
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M109 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major
Lefty's Astrophotography:
Orion to Andromeda
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M94 - The Croc's Eye Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M63 - The Sunflower Galaxy
Lefty's Astrophotography:
M100 - The Blowdryer Galaxy