left wing lucy: Early morning flight
left wing lucy: Bald Eagle
left wing lucy: Bald Eagle over Lake Afton
left wing lucy: Proudly Perched
left wing lucy: Find the Ginea
left wing lucy: Flight of the Gull
left wing lucy: Grasshopper Hunter
left wing lucy: Sunning Pelicans
left wing lucy: Roadside Killdear
left wing lucy: Resting in the Willow
left wing lucy: What a lovely sight
left wing lucy: The Hunt
left wing lucy: In the Golden Light of Sunset
left wing lucy: My Spirea Tenant
left wing lucy: The sweet song of the cardinal
left wing lucy: Red Robin....Red Robin
left wing lucy: Like a brilliant gem
left wing lucy: Taking out the trash
left wing lucy: Preening
left wing lucy: Regal Bird
left wing lucy: Soakin' up the sun
left wing lucy: New to the park
left wing lucy: kookaburra
left wing lucy: One of the twins