left wing lucy:
Big Stuff on his Big Wheel
left wing lucy:
Some assembly required
left wing lucy:
left wing lucy:
Yeah! He loves the laptop.
left wing lucy:
Well, the laptop was a hit!
left wing lucy:
Is this one MINE?
left wing lucy:
The Awe and Wonder of a child
left wing lucy:
Was I THAT good this year?
left wing lucy:
Tickle Monster Attack
left wing lucy:
Bored! Is it time to open presents yet?
left wing lucy:
Midget and her Christmas Bone
left wing lucy:
left wing lucy:
All tuckered out
left wing lucy:
ZZ enjoying some laptime with his new toy
left wing lucy:
left wing lucy:
What the?
left wing lucy:
Just what she wanted
left wing lucy:
Happy little Holden
left wing lucy:
Haley with the Cool Whip stache
left wing lucy:
Emailing right beside each other...seriously, lol.
left wing lucy:
Present time
left wing lucy:
left wing lucy:
Kyle and Dad laughing at the cat
left wing lucy:
Chillin with his boy