loungelistener: It works!
loungelistener: Thompson Drugs
Tojosan: #doctorwho #coffee
loungelistener: Johnnie on the spot
loungelistener: Dad & Lad
loungelistener: Beam me up
Greyscale3: Rollei 35S, Rollei Retro 400S, Rodinal 1:50 22 minutes 20C, single inversion every two minutes.
~*Leah*~: DreamLake (1 of 1)
Tojosan: Shrimp and grits #sunnypoint
gregg_koenig: Uncle Acid Munchy's Curious Crunchys Snack
JasonLiebig: Philadelphia Chewing Gum's - Swell - Hot-Chu - assorted pieces - 1960's and 1970's
Westographer: West Footscray
Greyscale3: Pears are heavier than owls.
Westographer: Yarraville
habaneros: 가을
Westographer: Maribyrnong
BartShore: Gilles
Marion Brite: Dollar's Worth
Curtis Gregory Perry: Ford Custom 500
Tojosan: #voted
Gamma Infinity: Riverside Church
Roadsidepictures: Johnson Pest Control, 1950's
Roadsidepictures: Doritos
Westographer: Footscray
Gamma Infinity: Steampunk Compass Rose
iowahighways: I-35 north at new US 30 ramp