lauraeffe: Blog hud
lauraeffe: happy with her new wings
lauraeffe: with whales
lauraeffe: relaxing after shopping
lauraeffe: dancing!
lauraeffe: comfortable in ancient Rome
lauraeffe: thinking
lauraeffe: Japanese Resort
lauraeffe: Holidays
lauraeffe: gifts around
lauraeffe: MUVEnation t-shirt
lauraeffe: pose1
lauraeffe: pose2
lauraeffe: Waterfall
lauraeffe: After a Primtionary event
lauraeffe: tattoo
lauraeffe: warming up with Italian teachers
lauraeffe: nothing better than a coke after a hotdog!
lauraeffe: mistery
lauraeffe: fireplace
lauraeffe: Burning Life 08: What do you want?
lauraeffe: Burning Life 08: weird conversation with "tiny"
lauraeffe: trying the pose stand in muvenation
lauraeffe: MUVENATION
lauraeffe: writing my name
lauraeffe: and finally on it!
lauraeffe: words, words, words
lauraeffe: writing collaboratively