♦ lee ♦: The Dead Duck 1
♦ lee ♦: The Dead Duck 3
♦ lee ♦: Kissing The Duck
♦ lee ♦: The Dead Duck 4
♦ lee ♦: The Dead Duck 5
♦ lee ♦: Dead Duck
♦ lee ♦: Visiting feral
♦ lee ♦: Troublesome Trio
♦ lee ♦: Mummy Feral
♦ lee ♦: Waiting for dinner
♦ lee ♦: Comfy?
♦ lee ♦: Looking cagey?
♦ lee ♦: Pile 'o Cats
♦ lee ♦: Ahhhhhh!
♦ lee ♦: New Additions
♦ lee ♦: Christmas Tree
♦ lee ♦: Janet tells the ferals a story
♦ lee ♦: Rapt Audience
♦ lee ♦: Its my cheese!
♦ lee ♦: Feral Kitty
♦ lee ♦: Stretch!
♦ lee ♦: Faster than a speeding bullet!
♦ lee ♦: Billie No Mates
♦ lee ♦: Our ferals