leesean: Transamerica's phallic pride aglow in the sultry dusk
leesean: What's Chinese for "careless signage zoning?"
leesean: Neither a garden, nor on the roof
leesean: Union Square, Inc.
leesean: Union Square, Inc.
leesean: Trolley cutbacks = more room to run down pedestrians with cars
leesean: What you didn't know about SF: trolleys are actually pushed around by service vehicles in a patent affront to carbon abatement
leesean: Keep it classy, San Francisco!
leesean: Faded Grande Dame of Manifest Destiny gasping for breath in the California dusk
leesean: California having been demystified, I now look at scenes like this and pine for Grenada
leesean: Jacobsian urban bricolage
leesean: Why thank you
leesean: Ars publica
leesean: World domination through land ownership: the Walgreens model goes up-market
leesean: Union Square, Inc.
leesean: "Walking street" at 6pm on Friday, a miscalculation of rosy demand projections and a wobbly economy
leesean: I'm sorry, WHAT? Will we make monuments to imperialism for Iraq too? Don't answer that
leesean: Nobody cares about another shitty bridge painting. Retired and rich? Sell your easel and go volunteer at a soup kitchen
leesean: Meaningless protrusion anchors soviet-style concrete ponderosa
leesean: Steal Poseidon's trident and Caesar's Corona Civica, conquer Manila, and all you get is a stupid monument
leesean: Planners design away undergrowth to kill the cruising scene
leesean: San Francisco of the American imagination
leesean: Soup dumplings finally discovered in a highly Cantonese Chinatown
leesean: Stanford fights the drought by limiting fountains to 6 inches
leesean: Only 450 years from being a Redwood Paradise
leesean: Private open space eerily bedorned with functionless Grecian urns
leesean: Come for the facilities, stay because you've contracted E-coli
leesean: Minimalist vineyard roof sans grapes
leesean: Aesthetic casualty of emergency vehicle access concessions
leesean: White smoke! New pope?