Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Perched on Driftwood at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Perched on Driftwood at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Perched on Driftwood at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Perched on Driftwood at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Short-eared Owl Hunting at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Female Spotted Towhee Feeding in a Blackberry Thicket
Lee Rentz: Immature White-crowned Sparrow at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Perched on Driftwood at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Bald Eagle Perched along Dike Trail at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Bald Eagle Perched along Dike Trail at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Bald Eagle Perched along Dike Trail at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Bald Eagle Perched along Dike Trail at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Golden-crowned Sparrow in a Thicket along Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Adult Male Eurasian Wigeon along Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Adult Male Eurasian Wigeon along Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Lichen-encrusted Branches and Tree Reflections in Slough
Lee Rentz: Lichen-encrusted Branches and Tree Reflections in Slough
Lee Rentz: Wild Rose Hips and Raindrops along Boundary Bay Trail
Lee Rentz: Bare Tree and Mountain Viewed across Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Mt. Baker Viewed across Boundary Bay from British Columbia
Lee Rentz: Shore of Boundary Bay and Distant North Cascade Mountains
Lee Rentz: Birders and Others on the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail
Lee Rentz: Great Blue Heron hunting along Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Alert to Bald Eagle Threat at Boundary Bay
Lee Rentz: Snowy Owl Alert to Bald Eagle Threat at Boundary Bay