Lee Rentz: Lembert Dome warning sign
Lee Rentz: Lembert Dome
Lee Rentz: Lembert Dome
Lee Rentz: Lembert Dome
Lee Rentz: Lembert Dome
Lee Rentz: Contrails over Yosemite
Lee Rentz: Contrails over Yosemite
Lee Rentz: Pothole Dome
Lee Rentz: Granite cliff near Olmsted Point
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point rock and juniper
Lee Rentz: Granite at Olmsted Point
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point rocks and juniper
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point rocks and juniper
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point rocks and pine
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point cracked granite slab
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point cracked granite
Lee Rentz: Olmsted Point cracks and cracked granite
Lee Rentz: California Red Fir
Lee Rentz: Western White Pine
Lee Rentz: Western White Pine
Lee Rentz: Western White Pine
Lee Rentz: Contrails and Cirrus Clouds over Yosemite
Lee Rentz: Contrails and cirrus clouds over Yosemite
Lee Rentz: California Red Fir
Lee Rentz: Yosemite Creek
Lee Rentz: Yosemite Creek
Lee Rentz: Yosemite Creek and human shadow
Lee Rentz: Western Juniper
Lee Rentz: Ponderosa Pine
Lee Rentz: Ponderosa Pine