The Put-Man: Chi-FLU Pano Shot
The Put-Man: All the pretty cars lined up
The Put-Man: Lineup
The Put-Man: The Real Deal
The Put-Man: Left end...
The Put-Man: ...the middle...
The Put-Man: ...right side
The Put-Man: Sweet Shot of My Spider
The Put-Man: Getting set
The Put-Man: Lining up
The Put-Man: Waiting on the last few...
The Put-Man: Arrival
The Put-Man: Leaving the museum complex
The Put-Man: Can you count FIVE Fiats?
The Put-Man: The Hancock
The Put-Man: Bob's X, downtown
The Put-Man: A very fancy breakfast
The Put-Man: Parking lot conversation
The Put-Man: Cruising Lakeshore Drive
The Put-Man: We should have parked in a different order...
The Put-Man: Loving the colors
The Put-Man: Tall view
The Put-Man: Chicagoland FLU - Sep 2008