The Put-Man: FUN-08
The Put-Man: Trio of Spiders
The Put-Man: Trio, with oasis
The Put-Man: A pretty trio, for 2nd leg of trip there
The Put-Man: Gas & Go
The Put-Man: A Late Lunch in Muskegon
The Put-Man: Block House Parking
The Put-Man: Block House Lineup
The Put-Man: Blockhouse lineup
The Put-Man: At The Blockhouse
The Put-Man: The Block House
The Put-Man: IMG_2860.JPG
The Put-Man: The Lighthouse
The Put-Man: Lighthouse, v.1
The Put-Man: The Gang at the Lighthouse
The Put-Man: The firt of 10,000 potholes
The Put-Man: Potholes, with twisty road
The Put-Man: New Friends
The Put-Man: DSC02423.JPG
The Put-Man: DSC02405.JPG
The Put-Man: Left Turn
The Put-Man: Following Distance
The Put-Man: NO ONE obeyed that sign!
The Put-Man: On The Road
The Put-Man: Another sign ignored
The Put-Man: IMG_2861.JPG
The Put-Man: IMG_2859.JPG
The Put-Man: Right turn
The Put-Man: On The Road