The Put-Man: Stopping for a bit of shut-eye
The Put-Man: Da Board
The Put-Man: Banners and flags
The Put-Man: Pretty cars, pretty lake
The Put-Man: Fiats at camp
The Put-Man: Race Cars in camp
The Put-Man: Camp Parking
The Put-Man: Parking
The Put-Man: Bedillion's sweet wagon
The Put-Man: parts!
The Put-Man: Spaghetti Feed
The Put-Man: Mmmm...Spaghetti
The Put-Man: Waiting for The Feed
The Put-Man: Spaghetti
The Put-Man: around the fire
The Put-Man: Around the fire
The Put-Man: The Campfire
The Put-Man: Passing the torch
The Put-Man: The Picture Prep
The Put-Man: lining up...
The Put-Man: ...still lining up...
The Put-Man: ...almost ready...
The Put-Man: Begining to line up
The Put-Man: Alvon's Sweet '70
The Put-Man: Scorpion Engine, PT 1
The Put-Man: Scorpion Gauges
The Put-Man: Scorpion engine, PT 2
The Put-Man: Wagon engine
The Put-Man: Previous years stickers
The Put-Man: Headlight Relays