The Put-Man: Perfect day for LBC
The Put-Man: Toof-less
The Put-Man: Look in the mirror
The Put-Man: The most reliable part...
The Put-Man: Electrical Transfusion
The Put-Man: Steve Working, Dave posing
The Put-Man: Dave supervising
The Put-Man: Steve has more wrench-patience than me
The Put-Man: SON Of A BiSCUIT!
The Put-Man: Banner up, Dog out, tools ready
The Put-Man: Unobtanium
The Put-Man: The Head Job
The Put-Man: Intake
The Put-Man: Top Half Assembled
The Put-Man: How The Day Began
The Put-Man: Engine assembly
The Put-Man: The Master
The Put-Man: Almost done!
The Put-Man: In progress
The Put-Man: Squeezing it in
The Put-Man: Visitors with gifts of food
The Put-Man: How the day ended
The Put-Man: Looks pretty!
The Put-Man: Definitly in the top 5% of Non-Running Fiats
The Put-Man: The Head Job
The Put-Man: Das Blok
The Put-Man: Steve King
The Put-Man: The Crew At Work
The Put-Man: It's OUT!
The Put-Man: You're gonna do WHAT???