The Put-Man: Puppy!
The Put-Man: Clyde in yard
The Put-Man: Sleeping Puppy
The Put-Man: ...within an inch of his life...
The Put-Man: Andrew makes friends with Clyde
The Put-Man: Clyde is THIS big!
The Put-Man: Clyde keeps watch
The Put-Man: Clyde hates riding in her...
The Put-Man: Lastly, Drag to Giovanni's...
The Put-Man: Can I please go back to sleep, now?
The Put-Man: In motion...running wildly...
The Put-Man: Such a BIG BOY!
The Put-Man: Big Boy Clyde
The Put-Man: He was looking RIGHT at me when I clicked...
The Put-Man: With his new blue coat
The Put-Man: Left Turn, Clyde...
The Put-Man: Slowly Baking
The Put-Man: On Watch
The Put-Man: Tounge Out
The Put-Man: Already saw that episode
The Put-Man: Outside, looking in
The Put-Man: ...with his butt in the air!
The Put-Man: ...flopped over
The Put-Man: Cowering
The Put-Man: Platypus Feet
The Put-Man: Thirsty Puppy
The Put-Man: Mmmmm....Plastic....
The Put-Man: Puppy-Containment
The Put-Man: Apparently, this is "his" spot!
The Put-Man: It's tough being a puppy...