The Put-Man: Overall Drive
The Put-Man: Sunday's Drive to the Ferry
The Put-Man: Saturday's Drive
The Put-Man: She looks so little...
The Put-Man: Waiting at the ferry terminal
The Put-Man: I'm with the ATV's & motorcycles?
The Put-Man: Hold on tight...
The Put-Man: The Beach
The Put-Man: Azzie goes to sea
The Put-Man: John Alberts and his '78
The Put-Man: At Empire Beach
The Put-Man: Lineup
The Put-Man: ...with lighthouse
The Put-Man: Fiats, sun, beach
The Put-Man: A perfect day
The Put-Man: At the dunes
The Put-Man: More perfect weather
The Put-Man: More discussion
The Put-Man: All the "X"'s
The Put-Man: Discussion
The Put-Man: 45th Parallel
The Put-Man: Open Road...behind me...
The Put-Man: The Colors
The Put-Man: No passing?
The Put-Man: Group Shot Prep
The Put-Man: Driving
The Put-Man: Group Shot
The Put-Man: Group Shot #2
The Put-Man: The Starting Line Up