Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Người Hà Nội
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: ..I'm on Long Bien Bridge, Viet Nam
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Footsteps in first life ...
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Give me a ticket to the Childhood
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: I'll leave tomorrow..
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Kí ức cầu Long Biên
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Kí ức cầu Long Biên
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Tell me goodbye ..
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Dưa cà hai mươi lẻ 10
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: You're not alone..
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: Yesterday and now ..
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: WHAT IS RIGHT :| WHAT IS WRONG :|
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: You know where I've come from
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: In a dream , i see you
Lee :| [ Autism Team =)) ]: I wish someone were waiting for me somewhere