Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_29_Cary Glenn_4563
Lee James Harrison:
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_28_Cars getting sucked into the sunset_4551
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_25_Caltrain - Around The Bend_1280x720
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_20_The Creamery Patio_4474
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_20_Flawed Steel Rails_4463
Lee James Harrison:
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_19_Ready to Lay Tracks_4457
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_19_Sand Tracks_4452
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_19_Bryant Street Waking Up_4444
Lee James Harrison:
2017_10_11_Roger John and Owl Eyed Cary_4429
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_10_Remember Bloody Mary Sundays at the 'tah? Well...
Lee James Harrison:
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_09_It's All About Reflections_4403
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_09_Gallery from Out There_4398
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_06_Hose_They Pee_Hose_They Pee_4362
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_04_Lunch and Window Shopping_4336
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_04_45 Macy's Christmas Window Decorations_4335
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_04_45 Macy's Christmas Window Decorations_4333
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_04_Liberty Statue_Union Square_4329
Lee James Harrison:
2017_12_04_Christmas Tree_Union Square_4325
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Behind the Pink Drape_4290
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Palace Hotel Hallway_4288
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Pied Piper Lounge at the Palace_4287
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Britex Fabrics_4284
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Penguins and Polar Bears_4278-81
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Christmas Ice Rink at Union Square_4271
Lee James Harrison:
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Union Square_San Francisco_4261
Lee James Harrison:
2017_11_28_Union Square San Francisco_4246