iceplee: 海蓮陽台
iceplee: 藏傳佛教裝飾
iceplee: 台式裝飾
iceplee: 正廳書櫃
iceplee: 餐具裝飾
iceplee: Ocean Lotus Spritual Resort
iceplee: IMG_1473
iceplee: IMG_1467
iceplee: IMG_1464
iceplee: IMG_1459
iceplee: IMG_1458
iceplee: IMG_1482
iceplee: Interior of a barn
iceplee: Taking a head...
iceplee: IMG_1487
iceplee: IMG_1485
iceplee: IMG_1502
iceplee: Resting area
iceplee: Dinner time
iceplee: IMG_1518
iceplee: Shooter in the mirror
iceplee: IMG_1512
iceplee: IMG_1510
iceplee: Meandering lane
iceplee: Ocean Lotus
iceplee: IMG_1545
iceplee: IMG_1543
iceplee: IMG_1537
iceplee: IMG_1535
iceplee: IMG_1533