iceplee: When the night falls
iceplee: 細雨中的歸途 Misty way
iceplee: Time capsule
iceplee: My tilted heart
iceplee: 比夢更神奇
iceplee: Sunset of Phipps
iceplee: Lost in Translation
iceplee: Cathedral of Learning
iceplee: The web of light
iceplee: Borrowing the reflection from someone's van
iceplee: There's a place, in the sun... (a la Stevie Wonder)
iceplee: The road not taken
iceplee: Sunny, all city round
iceplee: 阿美族口簧琴, Jew harp of the Amis
iceplee: Speed on the rail
iceplee: The Amis Dancer in Harvest Festival
iceplee: 天花板上的樂音Music on the ceiling (董韻昌之女巫店演奏)
iceplee: 何夜無月何處無檳榔?(再來要接...)
iceplee: Rusted
iceplee: City of Sadness, Joufen, Taiwan
iceplee: Waiting for harvest...
iceplee: Musical Notes without a score
iceplee: City yard
iceplee: Smoke gets in your eyes
iceplee: Reflection and shadow
iceplee: The sentimental light
iceplee: Photo taking passengers
iceplee: The surrounded sky
iceplee: Trick of the Mirror
iceplee: Punctuated curves