iceplee: Gee, are they serious?
iceplee: Park Signs in Taidong city
iceplee: 沙汝灣的朋友們
iceplee: P7160063
iceplee: 有趣的諧音
iceplee: P7080529
iceplee: P7080388
iceplee: 恭祝拜請
iceplee: P7080351
iceplee: P7070318
iceplee: 很沒力的sign...
iceplee: P7060222
iceplee: Emergency Exit/Proverb
iceplee: Parade of University Circle, Cleveland
iceplee: Why do they still have -50 vacancy?
iceplee: Another forbidden sign
iceplee: Strange neighbors
iceplee: Rusted forbidden signs for Taipei Botanic Park
iceplee: What the heck...
iceplee: Business corner
iceplee: P6170235
iceplee: To go or not to go
iceplee: MoMA
iceplee: P6170250
iceplee: Bring our troops home now!
iceplee: The weather forecast of the tourist center
iceplee: Where are you from?
iceplee: Sign in the Food Dance cafe
iceplee: Going Michigan
iceplee: The Coopers Rock, overlook