Big Lee: The first pitch of Tungtvann (WI4), Vemork Bridge area
Big Lee: Vemork Bridge Øst (WI4)
Big Lee: Vemorkbrufoss Øst (WI4)
Big Lee: Bakveien (WI4), Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Host (WI4), Vemork Bridge area
Big Lee: Vemorkbrufoss Vest (WI5)
Big Lee: Final pitch of Verdens Ende (WI5), Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Approaching the ice crag beneath Gausta
Big Lee: Approaching the crag
Big Lee: DSC05761
Big Lee: Descending back down to beneath the routes
Big Lee: Two Assholes and Five Nice Bolts with the left-hand variant start (M5-6)