Big Lee: The lower pitches of Juvsøyla in the Upper Gorge
Big Lee: The inital ramp on Trappfoss
Big Lee: Juvsøyla (WI6), The Upper Gorge
Big Lee: First pitch of Nye Vermorkfoss (WI5)
Big Lee: Svingfoss (WI4)
Big Lee: In-situ wire runners on the first pitch of Sabotørfossen (WI5), The Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Second pitch of Sabotørfossen (WI5), The Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Descending Sabotørfossen in the Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Sabotørfossen (WI5), The Upper Gorge
Big Lee: Jomfrua (WI4), Kroken
Big Lee: Fyrstikka (WI5), Kroken
Big Lee: Kjøkkentrappa (WI4), Rjukan
Big Lee: The 'Unknown' Route in the Arne sector of Kroken
Big Lee: Topp (WI5), Kroken
Big Lee: Climber on De kaller meg fjård (M7), Kroken
Big Lee: Climber on King Kong (WI5)
Big Lee: Anna towards the top of Kong Vinter (WI4)
Big Lee: Running water at Kong Vinter
Big Lee: Climbing towards the left side of Kong Vinter (WI4)
Big Lee: The Saaheim Power Plant, Rjukan