Big Lee: Mot Sola from the ground
Big Lee: Second pitch of the original start to Mot Sola (slightly off route maybe)
Big Lee: Old school bolting
Big Lee: Second pitch of Mot Sola (about n5+)
Big Lee: Second pitch of Mot Sola
Big Lee: Anna at the second belay on Mota Sola
Big Lee: Crossing the wet slab at the top of the fourth pitch
Big Lee: Above the difficulties on the awkward 5th pitch of Mot Sola
Big Lee: Top of the third pitch of Agent Orange, Hægefjell
Big Lee: Top of the fifth pitch of Agent Orange, Hægefjell
Big Lee: Start of the sixth pitch of Agent Orange, Hægefjell
Big Lee: Towards the top of Agent Orange,Hægefjell