Big Lee: View from the North Ridge of Tryfan
Big Lee: Tryfan's summit from the start of Long Chimney
Big Lee: Mike approaching the crux on Long Chimney (VS, 4c)
Big Lee: Climbing the jamming crack on pitch 2 of Great Tower Buttress (S*) on Bristly Ridge
Big Lee: View down from the 4th belay to the 2nd belay on Great Tower Buttress (S*), Bristly Ridge
Big Lee: Mike climbing the final pitch of Great Tower Buttress (S*) on Bristly Ridge
Big Lee: Tryfan from Bristly Ridge
Big Lee: The cantiliver of Glyder Fach
Big Lee: Glyder Fawr from Llyn Ogwen
Big Lee: Mike leading the slab (2nd) pitch of Rib and Slab (Vdiff**)
Big Lee: Mike leading the slab (2nd) pitch of Rib and Slab (Vdiff**)
Big Lee: View down the slab (2nd) pitch of Rib and Slab (Vdiff**), Craig Ddu
Big Lee: The Gardener's Arete in the Maginogion area of Craig Ddu