Big Lee: Lady Finger (left) & Hunza Peak (right)
Big Lee: Avalanche on Ultar Sar
Big Lee: The Hunza Valley
Big Lee: Passu roadside
Big Lee: Jeep to Shimshal
Big Lee: Sifat Guesthouse, Shimshal
Big Lee: Crossing the Yazghil Glacier
Big Lee: Camp at 3500m
Big Lee: View north along the Yazghil Glacier
Big Lee: Ben climbing to BC
Big Lee: Crossing snowfield on route to gully
Big Lee: Short climb from high camp
Big Lee: Greg, Ben and me on Yazghil Sar
Big Lee: Sunrise over Yazghil Sar's northern ridge
Big Lee: Sunrise over Shimshal Whitehorm and Distaghil Sar
Big Lee: Khurdopin Glacier from Yazghil Sar's Northern Ridge
Big Lee: Peaks above the Yukshin Gardan Glacier
Big Lee: Cornice on yazghil Sar
Big Lee: Approaching summit of Yazghil Sar
Big Lee: Me and Peter on Yazghil Sar's summit
Big Lee: Bigger rucksack?
Big Lee: Me above Shimshal village
Big Lee: Climbing to Shimshal Whitehorn's base camp
Big Lee: Ben climbing to BC
Big Lee: Shimshal Whtehorn (right) and surrounding peaks
Big Lee: Shimshal Whitehorn at night
Big Lee: Cards at BC
Big Lee: Ben crossing the iceflow between base camp and Shimshal Whitehorn
Big Lee: Ben beneath Shimshal Whitehorn
Big Lee: Ben climbing the Couloir aux Milles Rigoles