Big Lee: Tabriz bazaar
Big Lee: Down with USA
Big Lee: God Bless America!
Big Lee: My favourite...
Big Lee: Me and sulphur on Mt Damavand summit
Big Lee: Mt Damavand summit
Big Lee: Mt Damavand snow slopes
Big Lee: Hazrat-e Masumeh, Qom
Big Lee: Emam Khomeini Square in Esfahan
Big Lee: Emam Mosque in Esfahan
Big Lee: Friday mosque Esfahan
Big Lee: Down with Israel, Down with USA
Big Lee: Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque in Esfahan
Big Lee: Bridge in Esfahan
Big Lee: Iranian teahouse
Big Lee: Zagros Mountains
Big Lee: Man-sized chapati!
Big Lee: Arabic nomads in the Zagros Mountains
Big Lee: Entrance to Persepolis
Big Lee: Hasti and me at Persepolis
Big Lee: Anti-American poster in Shiraz
Big Lee: Martyr poster in Shiraz
Big Lee: Shiraz skyline shortly before sunset
Big Lee: Yazd rooftops
Big Lee: Amir Chakmagh Complex in Yazd
Big Lee: Yadz bazaar
Big Lee: Iraqi tanks at the Museum of Holy Defense in Kerman