Big Lee: Dai monastery, Xishuangbanna
Big Lee: Dai white stupa in Ganlanba, Xishuangbanna
Big Lee: Manfeilong Pagoda, Damenglong
Big Lee: Tea plantations above Menghun
Big Lee: The Three Pagodas, Dali
Big Lee: Dali and Erhai Lake
Big Lee: Goddess of Mercy Temple, Dali
Big Lee: Boats on the East side of Lake Erhai
Big Lee: Laotai Temple
Big Lee: Temple hidden in the Cangshan Mountains
Big Lee: Lijiang's old town
Big Lee: Dr Ho and me at a village close to Lijiang
Big Lee: Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan
Big Lee: Songzanlin monastery, Zhongdian
Big Lee: Prayer Wheels at Songzanlin monastery in Zhongdian
Big Lee: Pagoda above Songzanlin monastery in Zhongdian
Big Lee: Hilltop prayer flags close to Zhongdian's Songzanlin Monastery
Big Lee: Baishuitai
Big Lee: Xiangcheng
Big Lee: Mani Stones at Litang Monastery
Big Lee: Monks at Litang Gompa
Big Lee: Litang Monastery
Big Lee: Litang's Tibetan Quarter
Big Lee: Yak on the grasslands close to Litang
Big Lee: Nomad black tent on the grasslands close to Litang
Big Lee: Tibetan nomad women
Big Lee: Tibetan nomads
Big Lee: Nomad yaks moving between settlements
Big Lee: All dolled up in Tibetan gear outside our guesthouse in Tagong
Big Lee: Our new found Tibetan friend