Lee-Anthony Photography: Pathway to desolation...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Woodland walk...
Lee-Anthony Photography: The overflow...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Painting... By Numbers...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Autumnal Glow...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Barden Aqueduct
Lee-Anthony Photography: Autumnal flow... (inExplore)
Lee-Anthony Photography: River cottage?...
Lee-Anthony Photography: The crossing...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Desolation falls
Lee-Anthony Photography: Valley of desolation...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Desolation falls... (inExplore)
Lee-Anthony Photography: This years colours... (inExplore)
Lee-Anthony Photography: Autumnal reflections...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Pathway to Autumn...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Hidden gems...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Raining colours...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Setting sun...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Lancashire landscape...
Lee-Anthony Photography: Sky and water...