Lee.Fly: running above the water
Lee.Fly: bored on the drive home
Lee.Fly: room for two?
Lee.Fly: what the father knew, the son had yet to understand
Lee.Fly: white on white on white on white
Lee.Fly: Sweet Water
Lee.Fly: red + blue =
Lee.Fly: Earth + Wind + Fire
Lee.Fly: cloud maker
Lee.Fly: What I am thankful for ...
Lee.Fly: a leap of faith
Lee.Fly: dry grass & shadows
Lee.Fly: fall colour
Lee.Fly: let the sun shine in
Lee.Fly: Up a mountain without a tripod
Lee.Fly: US Navy
Lee.Fly: the dance
Lee.Fly: Atlanta in flux
Lee.Fly: Dancers
Lee.Fly: sky + water + land
Lee.Fly: off in the distance
Lee.Fly: long forgotten
Lee.Fly: from out of the fog and mist
Lee.Fly: life on mars
Lee.Fly: why drive when you can fly
Lee.Fly: all in a row
Lee.Fly: three bottles
Lee.Fly: Aslan