Lee.Fly: Happy Fourth of July
Lee.Fly: waiting for the runners
Lee.Fly: rounding the turn
Lee.Fly: running to win
Lee.Fly: Ms USA
Lee.Fly: Beck Man
Lee.Fly: eye on the prize
Lee.Fly: ever superman sweats
Lee.Fly: the red carpet treatment
Lee.Fly: here they come
Lee.Fly: one mile to go
Lee.Fly: running through the mist and sun for his country
Lee.Fly: United States Marine Corps
Lee.Fly: red red white and blue
Lee.Fly: running above the water
Lee.Fly: you would think they could hold still for 13 seconds
Lee.Fly: stuck on the wrong side of the fence
Lee.Fly: small medium and large
Lee.Fly: sunrise on midtown
Lee.Fly: Loews
Lee.Fly: Where did all those people come from?
Lee.Fly: now which way is midtown?