Lee Bennett: Tell me you can hear this photo—Happy New Year
Lee Bennett: It’s unboxing day!
Lee Bennett: Had the opportunity to hold an original 1st generation iPhone for the first time in probably more than 10 years—wow I forgot how small they were!
Lee Bennett: I cracked our last five eggs to scramble for Lori and Adri; the last one was a twin—something I’ve never before encountered with eggs!
Lee Bennett: This looks familiar; maybe I should switch lanes
Lee Bennett: It was SMOL!
Lee Bennett: When your ceiling tile installer doesn’t math out the geometry quite right and has to cut a nickel-sized piece of tile to fill a hole!
Lee Bennett: Yes, as a matter of fact I do take milk in my tea, Earl Grey, hot!
Lee Bennett: A rare moment of peace, harmony, and tranquility
Lee Bennett: At last joining the ranks of Ollie solidarity
Lee Bennett: Congrats, SpaceX team
Lee Bennett: If someone ever tells you the print industry doesn’t require math, they are LYING
Lee Bennett: Mom, she’s laying in my space again!
Lee Bennett: Human, stay
Lee Bennett: ☯️
Lee Bennett: Canoers on the peaceful Santa Fe River
Lee Bennett: We really know how to party at WholeLife Church Retreat
Lee Bennett: WLC SNL Host Stevie pays the consequences of losing the game
Lee Bennett: Managing ProPresenter for a Women’s Ministries One-day Retreat
Lee Bennett: Anybody remember doing this? (I miss FireWire Target Disk Mode)
Lee Bennett: Have blanket, will lay on it
Lee Bennett: Odometer fun
Lee Bennett: HAIL!
Lee Bennett: New cat furniture—a chewed up tag on the uppermost ledge seems sufficient proof Sophia likes climbing on it and we won’t need to return it
Lee Bennett: 30-year recognition
Lee Bennett: On ProPresenter duty again—this time, Forest Lake Academy graduation weekend
Lee Bennett: New office toy—HP DesignJet XL 3600 MFP
Lee Bennett: Visited mom and her parents today
Lee Bennett: Hitchhiker
Lee Bennett: Wrapping up a celebration day for four July birthdays (plus two more in absentia)