Lee Bennett: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Lee Bennett: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Lee Bennett: Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Lee Bennett: Hidden leprechauns
Lee Bennett: This photo is a victim of unfortunate composition—cover your eyes, children
Lee Bennett: Not sure any angle makes the composition any better
Lee Bennett: Diorama moose
Lee Bennett: Diorama wolves—probably my favorite of all the scenes
Lee Bennett: Dinosaur exhibit
Lee Bennett: Laboratory for bone fragment cleaning and cataloguing
Lee Bennett: Some sightseeing before the flight home
Lee Bennett: An interesting local shop on the way to Estes Park
Lee Bennett: Thick fog descends
Lee Bennett: First snow sighting, albeit at a distance
Lee Bennett: First close-up snow sighting
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Phil (a long-time friend of my boss) who graciously invited me to join his sightseeing excursion
Lee Bennett: Obligatory photo of me
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Estes Park hotel
Lee Bennett: A sculpture in downtown Estes Park
Lee Bennett: Getting closer to the mountains
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Rocky Mountain scenery
Lee Bennett: Aspen trees are primarily what Phil wanted to see—and see them, we did!